Täname kõiki, kes võtsid ka aega, et täita ära tagasiside. See aitab meil tulevikus veelgi paremaid õhtuid korraldada :)
Thank you for a very nice evening. I loved the german sausages and would love to know where to get some! The presesntations were interesting and it was cool to actually see german people talking about their interests so openly. I will be attending next time:D
Samas oli ka konstruktiivset kriitikat
I think that it is important to know the audiences knowledges, what they already know about the country, because level and interests are very different Some just wanted to start their interest in that country, but others already know all basic information and maybe want to gain more skills, and in this situation those whose been in let's say higher level didn't hear anything new and also those who wanted to to hear some basics did not gain any. Also it would be interesting if some games were included that connects everyone.Kes võtsid osa Prantsuse rahvusõhtust nägid ka, et järgmiseks õhtuks olime selle vea juba parandanud - kõik said kõigiga suhelda, kui vaid tahet oli ja pühendasime võimalikult palju aega just sotsiaalseteks tegevusteks :)
Täname kõiki osalejaid ja ootame teid tagasi meie järgmisele üritusele!
Sul on meile keeleõppe või tõlkimisteenuste kohta küsimusi või tahad lihtsalt meie tegevustega end kursis hoida?
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